Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Vice Presidential Debate

Sarah Palin did better than I expected, but only because I thought she was going to fail miserably. Senator Joe Biden did a much better job focusing on the real issues and facts. Didn't it seem funny that a lot of times they both talked like they supported the same tax breaks for the middle class. It is like the Republicans are finally preaching what the Democrats have been saying all along just to get votes... The fact is that no one that makes under $250,000 a year whether is be a individual or a business will receive a tax hike. That sure sounds pretty damn good to me...

Do some research, get the facts and vote for the right Candidate...

Is John McCain a Maverick? Again just a bit of research will till you that John McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. He even admits this himself.

Here is the final remarks from the Vice Presidential Debate...

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