Saturday, October 18, 2008

Biden Blast Palin For Anti American Talk

At a rally in North Carolina Sarah Palin mentioned that she loved to visit the "pro-America" areas of the country. Are you serious? Pro-American parts of the country? We are one nation whether it is a blue state or a red state it doesn't matter! Here is what Senator Joe Biden had to say about Sarah Palin's remarks...


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is not fit for office and her statements just continue to confirm it. By the way, here is a website I found that shares all the Sarah Palin Alaska dirt to support Barack Obama!

Anonymous said...

You democrats and your hate speech. I bet you would attack santa clause if you thought he was a republican.It's really democrats that are not tolerant of others.You dems hated palin before you knew who she was.Pathetic!

1Green Thumb said...

O wait I forgot one... They hate unplanned pregnancies... O unless you are Sarah Palin's daughter... Then it's ok : )
