Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Difference Between Obama And Palin

I am sure by now at least some of you heard this little article that surfaced today...

"Since her selection as John McCain's running mate, the Republican National Committee spent more than $150,000 on clothing and make-up for Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, and even her infant son, it was reported on Tuesday evening."

I am sure Joe Six Pack can relate...

Here is the full article here!


Anonymous said...

This is rediculous.I'm sure obama spent like $50 a bucks a suit right and nothing on his wife and kids.Really complaining about her infant son,Must have cost a fortune to outfit him wtf.

1Green Thumb said...

Well I know one thing is for sure, I bet all those Republican donates can sleep well knowing that their money went to a good cause : )
